1 So, unable to bear it any longer, I made up my mind to be left behind at Athens all alone; 2 I sent Timotheus our brother, a minister of God in the gospel of Christ, for your strengthening and encouragement in the faith, 3 to prevent anyone being disturbed by these troubles. (Troubles are our lot, you know that well; 4 for we told you beforehand, when we were with you, that "we Christians are to have trouble" ??and, as you know, it has been so.) 5 Well then, unable to bear it any longer, I sent to find out about your faith, in case the Tempter had tempted you and our labour had been thrown away.
6 But when Timotheus reached me a moment ago, on his return from you, bringing me the good news of your faith and love and of how you always remember me kindly, longing to see me as I long to see you, 7 then, amid all my own distress and trouble, I was cheered ??this faith of yours encouraged me. 8 It is life to me now, if you stand firm in the Lord. 9 How can I render thanks enough to God for you, for all the joy you make me feel in the presence of our God? 10 Night and day I pray specially that I may see your faces and supply what is defective in your faith.
11 May our God and Father and our Lord Jesus direct my way to you! 12 And may the Lord make you increase and excel in love to one another and to all men (as is my love for you), 13 so as to strengthen your hearts and make them blameless in holiness before our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. [Amen.]